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国际动态 I 美国缅因大学研究人员旨在回收风力涡轮机叶片作为3D打印材料

来源: 网络 时间:2024年07月01日 09:00
缅因大学的一个研究小组获得了 75,000 美元的资助,用于探索回收风力叶片作为 3D 打印原料。该奖项是美国能源部风能技术办公室风力涡轮机材料回收奖第一阶段的获奖者。 

在先进结构与复合材料中心 (ASCC) 的领导下,WIND REWIND 团队的“大型增材制造叶片”项目标志着其推进循环风能经济回收解决方案使命的重要里程碑。 
“我们感谢能源部对我们推进风能技术使命的持续支持。由于成千上万的风力叶片注定要被填埋,这笔资金使我们能够探索对这些产品进行负责任的回收,重新利用和重新利用它们作为 3D 打印的原料材料,”ASCC 执行董事哈比卜·达格尔 (Habib Dagher) 说道。
该项目提出了一种创新方法,回收风力涡轮机叶片碎片材料,作为大规模 3D 打印的经济高效的增强材料和填料。通过用风力叶片的碎片和研磨材料替代短碳纤维,该团队的目标是实现 100% 复合叶片材料的机械回收。
研究工作将侧重于开发新的复合方法,以实现复合材料所需的粘合强度。所得颗粒将作为大尺寸挤压式 3D 打印的原料,充分利用 ASCC 的先进制造能力。
除了研究的可持续性效益外,该项目还可使全球预制混凝土行业受益,该行业每年价值数十亿美元。通过将风力涡轮机叶片碎片材料整合到预制混凝土模板的 3D 打印过程中,该团队旨在大幅降低材料成本,同时为设计提供几何自由度并实现制造过程自动化。
该项目符合缅因大学 ASCC 更广泛的环境目标,旨在减少陆地和海上风能对环境的影响,并为大规模 3D 打印工艺开发环保原料。
领导该项目提交的 WIND REWIND 团队成员包括来自 ASCC、土木与环境工程系、机械工程系和工业界的教职员工和研究人员(Roberto Lopez-Anido 博士、Reed Miller 博士、Amrit Verma 博士、John Arimond、Habib Dagher 博士、Hannah Berten 和 Ed Pilpel)。该项目由 Lopez-Anido 博士领导,Miller 博士和 Luis Zambrano-Cruzatty 博士提供协调支持。
ASCC 凭借其在复合材料、大型先进制造和浮动海上风电行业的全球认可和领导地位,正在开发这种重新利用风力叶片材料的新方法。ASCC 拥有世界上最大的热塑性 3D 打印机,其项目包括BioHome3D(世界上唯一 100% 生物基 3D 打印房屋)和 3Dirigo(有史以来第一艘 3D 打印船)。ASCC 拥有美国最大的浮动海上风电团队,凭借 VolturnUS 船体技术和对行业创新的承诺,成为全球领导者。 


UMaine researchers aim to recycle wind turbine blades as 3D printing material

A team of University of Maine researchers have secured a $75,000 grant to explore recycling wind blades as feedstock for 3D printing. The award is a Phase 1 winner from the Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Technologies Office’s Wind Turbine Materials Recycling Prize. 

Led by the Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC), the WIND REWIND team’s project “Blades for Large-Format Additive Manufacturing” marks a significant milestone in their mission to advance recycling solutions for a circular wind energy economy. 

“We are grateful for the Department of Energy’s continued support in our mission to advance wind energy technologies. With thousands of wind blades destined for landfill disposal, this funding allows us to explore the responsible recycling of these products, to reuse and repurpose them as feedstock materials for 3D printing, said Habib Dagher, executive director of the ASCC.

The project proposes an innovative approach to recycle shredded wind turbine blade material as a cost-effective reinforcement and filler for large-scale 3D printing. By substituting short carbon fibers with shredded and milled material from wind blades, the team aims to achieve mechanical recycling of 100% of the composite blade material.

Research efforts will focus on developing new compounding methods to achieve the necessary adhesive bond strength of the composite material. Resulting pellets will serve as feedstock for large-format extrusion-based 3D printing, leveraging the ASCC’s advanced manufacturing capabilities.

In addition to the sustainability benefits of the research, the project could benefit the global precast concrete industry, which is valued at billions of dollars annually. By integrating shredded wind turbine blade material into the 3D printing process for precast concrete formwork, the team aims to significantly reduce material costs while providing geometric freedom for design and automating manufacturing processes.

This project also addresses the critical need for sustainable recycling of wind turbine blades and presents economic advantages for the construction industry by lowering formwork costs and reducing labor expenses.

The project aligns with UMaine ASCC’s broader environmental goals, aiming to reduce the environmental footprint of land and offshore wind energy and developing environmentally friendly feedstock for large-scale 3D printing processes.

A follow-on phase would enable the development of larger prototypes and deployment of case studies with industry partners, ultimately driving wider adoption of sustainable practices in wind energy recycling.

The WIND REWIND team members leading this project submission include faculty and researchers from the ASCC, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and industry (Dr. Roberto Lopez-Anido, Dr. Reed Miller, Dr. Amrit Verma, John Arimond, Dr. Habib Dagher, Hannah Berten, and Ed Pilpel). This project is led by Dr. Lopez-Anido with coordination support from Dr. Miller and Dr. Luis Zambrano-Cruzatty.

The ASCC is developing this novel approach of repurposing wind blade materials with its global recognition and leadership in composite materials, large-format advanced manufacturing and the floating offshore wind industry. ASCC is home to the world’s largest thermoplastic 3D printer with projects such as BioHome3D, the world’s only 100% bio-based 3D printed house, and 3Dirigo, the first ever 3D printed boat. With the largest team in the United States dedicated to floating offshore wind, ASCC is a global leader with the VolturnUS hull technology and commitment to innovation within the industry. 

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